For instance, one Sunday night at my home church Dan Dark was speaking on a familiar story: David and Goliath. It was just what I needed to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard 1 Samuel 13:34 preached, but it never ceases to amaze me. The sermon was about Giants in our Lives, and point number one was “David knew Goliath could be beat, because with God there is always a way.” I thought about Brian finding a job, and it seemed like there really wasn’t a way at that point for him to get hired before the wedding. But, “With God, nothing is impossible.” Number two stated “David remembered his strength,” which meant that he remembered what God had done in the past, and that he had a proved weapon (the Bible). I recalled how God provided Brian with a new car after his was totaled: a 1998 Dodge Durango, chili pepper red, same year, same color, same everything except with better features and tires and no rust for a steal of a price, and a few minutes away from where he was in Kansas City. God was looking out for us! “David claimed the victory,” point number three, even before a stone was thrown. Dan Dark pointed out something I never knew before in verse 49. Goliath fell forward. Dan said that there are some high powered military weapons today that the bullets fire so fast that they create kind of a vortex of air, actually drawing the target forward, towards the bullet. There’s no way David threw the stone THAT fast, but God definitely could have put a little spin on it! I wrote at the end of my notes, “Is Go just as powerful today as he was then?”
The next day, Brian got a call from a company in Phoenix, Arizona. They called him back a couple days later for a second interview, and flew him down to see the job site not long after that. After a week, they called and offered him the job. And tomorrow, he will fax his acceptance.
I wasn’t wild about the idea leaving the lush green rolling fields of Iowa for the desert and 40 varieties of poisonous snakes (plus scorpions, black widow spiders, mountain lions, and bears. I’ve done my research). I wasn’t crazy about having to transfer from Iowa State University to Arizona State University. I still am torn in two at the thought of leaving our families, including my younger siblings, my older sister and her husband and brand new baby, and all of the people we’ve come to know and love so dearly through classes and Campus Baptist Church. I’m terrified at the idea of starting over in a huge city, different climate, different culture, and trying to make it home.
But I can’t deny God’s hand in it. He’s lead us this far; he’ll complete the good work he began in us.
Please keep us in your prayers! We’ll see you at the wedding this Saturday 🙂
Oh, Emily! How awesome it is to see His perfect plan for you! But I will miss you!!!
Well hey, when traveling back and forth your welcome to stop here in Kansas City and stay in our church's prophet's chamber anytime! Our home is your home!
I will miss you too Sabrina! Like CRAZY!!!
Thanks Nathan! I really appreciate that!